The Coady Family

For the Coady family, lobster fishing is a family affair. Allan Coady proudly fishes alongside his son, Bryce and daughter, Alyssa- something they’ve done together for the past 16 years.

Allan began fishing in 1992 after moving home from Alberta where he had owned and operated a trucking company. Upon his return to PEI he went lobstering for a few seasons and quickly fell in love with being on the water and soon purchased a fleet of his own. “I love everything about fishing- early mornings are the best”, Allan says. Allan’s son, Bryce shares that same love, “I love the beauty and freedom of the open water, the challenge of trying to catch something you can’t see and the comradery fishermen share.”

Allan feels lucky that he’s able to work alongside his children each day (despite them being late the odd morning or two he jokes). Allan’s daughter, Alyssa agrees, “I love spending time with him (Allan) and sharing the same love of the job, and of course making him proud.”

Lobster quality and handling is of the utmost importance to the Coady’s. Allan says that lobster quality and handling has improved significantly over the years and harvesters take great care to ensure lobsters are carefully handled from trap to shore. The Coady’s boat is equipped with insulated containers to ensure their lobsters remain cool and healthy when they arrive at the wharf, “I do the best I can to care for them”, says Allan.


What’s the name of Allan’s boat? The Travelling Man, a name that commemorates his previous career in trucking.

Do You Know Lobster?

Whistling on the boat is considered bad luck.

True – Whistling Is Bad Luck

The origins of this superstition are lost in time, but whistling is generally considered to bring bad luck. Some people think that whistling bring stronger winds that can be hazardous to fishers and damage traps and equipment.