Whole Cooked Lobster

Servings: 2


  • whole (1 ½ pound) Lobster


To Cook Lobsters:

Bring a large pot of cold, salted water to a boil.

Remove bands from lobsters and place into boiling water.

Cook lobsters at a rolling boil for 10 minutes.

Remove from cooking water and place into an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

When cool enough to handle, remove lobster meat from shells, discard shells and roughly chop lobster meat.

Do You Know Lobster?

It takes 5 to 7 years for a lobster to grow to legal size or about one pound.

True – Reaching One Pound Takes 5 to 7 Years

To reach one pound of weight, it takes 5-7 years. The legal size for catching lobster is based on the physical size of the lobster, but legally sized lobsters are normally close to one pound. Lobsters that have not reached the legal size are returned to the water. This limit is vigorously enforced in Prince Edward Island, and is a key component of ensuring the lobster fishery is sustainable.